Raising Flora Podcast

Giving Tweens and Teens a Solid Start to the School Year

Liz Vivian Season 1 Episode 5

Today, I talk about how to give our tweens and teens a solid start to the school year with Jessyka Coulter, lifelong learner, and founder of Ace Cookie Tutoring where she teaches kids HOW to learn and how to LOVE learning.

Jessyka’s joy for learning shines through this episode from her story about wanting to be high school valedictorian to her tips for starting the new school year on a great path for learning. She shares what’s behind your daughter’s “school is boring” comments and reminds us that anyone can learn, it’s just a matter of knowing how YOU learn.

I’m teaching Getting Ready for Periods classes for moms that start in October. If you’re looking to do more than “wing it” with your daughter’s first periods, if you want the information, resources, coaching and community you’re craving, join me for Getting Ready for Periods. And get all the special Early Bird Bonuses when you register by September 22. You can find all the information and link to register here: https://www.raisingflora.com/gettingreadyforperiods

Get my free guide: Understanding Your Cycle is Key to School, Sports, Life for Teens and Moms

Ace Cookie Tutoring has a free event this month. Sign up at

And join Jessyka's private Facebook Group for moms, Teaching Teens to Love Learning

Liz Vivian
Raising Flora